Online Learning FAQs

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Online Learning FAQs
  • What distance learning solutions will be put in place to ensure students cover the key curriculum aspects in their subjects?

We are confident that the instruction provided will meet the needs of our learners.Teachers’ online instruction will be monitored by subject leaders and teachers will be required to provide weekly test / quizzes to monitor and assess students’ academic achievement and engagement. Teachers are required to record weekly test / quizzes using an online grading system. Teachers will also provide remediation and feedback for students as needed. Also, teachers can provide individual instructions as needed based on the student test scores.Teachers will be using online resources as well as classroom learning outcomes, and
instruction will be differentiated according to groups of learners. Phase leaders will be working with teachers and subject leaders by phase and subject to identify the key aspects of each subject that need to be covered by the end of the academic year. All curriculum and pacing guides will be revisited throughout the year to ensure it is followed and planned for.

  • How ready are parents expected to be at home to support their children’s learning?

Parents have serious concerns about the availability of number of devices they need per learner. Additionally, they can follow up and track what learners are learning. In all cases, the school will be sending a survey to parents to get their input about the effectiveness of the distance learning offered to their children. E-forums may be held with parents to gather their concerns and queries. Parents will also be sent a guide on how to help their children and expectations that promote independent learning. Both Kindergarten and Elementary School will be using Class Dojo for communication with Parents. Generally speaking, lessons will be videotaped in small chunks with clear student expectations and outcomes for the lessons. Assignments will be made up of response worksheet and projects. Teachers will be required to make the number of lessons as per their timetable.

  • What is the school planning to do in order to deliver distance learning for students?

All teachers were communicated with by e-mail and face to face meetings with school leadership. All teachers received clear instructions on how to set up classrooms ready for e-learning. Phase leaders and subject leaders have been sent all classroom codes to ensure quality assurance of instruction.

  • How will DIPS-G ensure effective curriculum delivery?

DIPS-G is confident of achieving curriculum coverage with subject leaders stepping up and doing quality assurance audits matching the syllabus and scope and sequence. Platforms that we will use enable recording of sessions, so absent students may catch up at a later date. Leaders will work with all teachers to re-do and review pacing guides until end of the year to cover essential content and concepts, monitor planning, and conduct marking and feedback on students’ work as usual.

  • How will online provision at DIPS-G ensure that students complete their work and keep it up to date?

It is possible to upload the syllabus online, and there is an assignment tab all of which can be monitored by teachers and line managers. All subject leaders are required to monitor all online submissions to ensure that all students are being served. Teachers will also be sending a list of learning outcomes they are covering on weekly basis to ensure that all objectives are being taught and have them give and report their weekly test results.