School improvement plan (sip) priorities related to SEND program

Home/School improvement plan (sip) priorities related to SEND program

DIPS-G’s full SIP has five priorities and twenty-nine objectives. Below is an abridged version of the DIPS-G with priorities and objectives aligned most closely to the goals of the SEND program.

What are the chief priorities for driving DIS-G’s mission forward? What are the objectives for this priority?
Priority 1: Ongoing reflection, review, and strategic planning to embed DIS-G’s revised mission and the DIS-G Core Values into the school’s culture
  • 1.1  Promote empathy and engagement, within and beyond DIS-G’s walls, through continual development of and support for the school’s Culture of Kindness.
  • 1.2  Foster a culture of learning that encourages originality, innovation, inquiry, and risk-taking by students, teachers, and school leaders.
  • 1.3  Continue to support the development of high quality extra-curricular and athletics programs that complement students’ academic experiences.
Priority 2: Improved teaching and learning through continuing professional learning
  • 2.1  Increase understanding, application, and adaptation of research-based, best practice teaching strategies, including Classroom Instruction That Works (CITW).
  • 2.2  Increase critical thinking, enquiry-based teaching, and project-based learning in all classrooms.
  • 2.3  Support the development of learning environments and experiences where each student is challenged appropriately.
  • 2.4  Coordinate the horizontal and vertical alignment of the curriculum, including the development of high quality assessments in all subjects and grade levels.
Priority 3: Improved student learning through use of effective digital-age systems and teaching practices
  • 3.1  Maintain a dynamic, needs-based professional development program that exposes teachers to high-impact digital tools, while helping them acquire the skills and expertise to integrate these tools effectively in their teaching.
  • 3.2  Continue to integrate technology purposefully in everyday teaching and learning, using digital tools to engage students in higher-order thinking skills through collaboration and innovative teaching practices.