Sanctions for Academic Dishonesty

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Sanctions for Academic Dishonesty

The policy which is part of the comprehensive policy titled “Behavior for Learning Policy”-version of September 2018 which was reviewed in June 2019 by Phase Leaders and Students’ Support Committee.

Abiding by this policy ensures the smooth pacing of the day-to-day Teaching and Learning processes at DIPS-G and guarantees highest levels of student’s safety at all times.

Sanctions for Academic Dishonesty

At DIPS-G, we are very keen to provide equal and fair assessment to all students; therefore, we consider academic dishonesty as a serious offense that jeopardizes such efforts.

The following actions will be taken:

  1. A) In case of plagiarism, the student will receive a zero on the written work submitted and up to 5 marks will be deducted from the conduct average.
  1. B) In case of cheating in quizzes or tests using documents or any physical means:
  • proctor will remove the material used in cheating from the student. The student will be allowed to continue to take the test in order to avoid creating disturbance in the testing hall; however, the student will receive a zero on the test.
  • proctor will file an Incident Report and submit it to the Office of Academic Affairs.
  • student will receive a zero on the test and 5 marks will be deducted from the conduct average. Parents may appeal the decision for reconsideration to the Academic Advisor.
  1. C) In case of cheating using signals or gestures of any type:
  • proctor will issue a verbal warning the first time followed by a grey card the second time and a red card in the third time. The proctor will write the student’s name on the cards as the required. The student will be allowed to continue to take the test in order to avoid creating disturbance in the testing hall; however, the student will receive a zero on the test.
  • proctor will file an Incident Report and submit it to the Office of Academic Affairs.
  • student will receive a zero on the test and 5 marks will be deducted from the conduct average.

Parents may appeal the decision for reconsideration to the Academic Advisor.

  1. D) In case of attempting to cheat, the proctor will warn the student verbally twice and then will follow procedures outlined in part C.
  1. E) In case of assisting someone else to cheat, the proctor will apply procedures outlined in either B or C, depending on the type of violation.